Knights and Squires of the Queer Table

We're knights of the queer table, we're queer and we're able....


Our Knights of The Queer Table make Rainbow Geeks work. They're in charge of organising, herding cats and going on epic quests for the betterment of queer geekkind. If you see somebody at one of our events wearing a Knight shield, they're the ones to peste ... I mean .. talk to if you have any questions or if you need any help.



Pronouns They / Them
  • Raids on brittish shipping
Queerness Demiromantic, Pansexual, Non-Binary
  • Fantasy
  • RPGs
  • A whole lot of animation (both shows and movies)
  • An array of indie games

Hello there! I am Faust, one of the team members of rainbow geeks ^^ I am here to help and spread joy! Ask me anything, answers may vary on my approximate knowledge



Pronouns He / Him
Nicknames Cicero
  • Resident Himbo
Queerness Pansexual Transman
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Devil May Cry
  • Anything to do with Jason Statham
  • Theology nerd
  • Anime
  • ....
Ray, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!
- Winston, Ghostbusters

Hi, Dante Here, just your average transmasc himbo. Lover of the arts, burlesque performer and supreme creator of disturbing Dad-jokes.



Pronouns Any / All
Nicknames Baroness Dragoness, Sammy, Fairy gothmother of the alphabet mafia
  • Photographer
  • Crafting
  • Signpost
Queerness Trans-female, Non-binary, Gender-fluid, Demi-sexual, Polyamorous, Pan-romantic
  • Fantasy (Earthsea, Lord of the Rings, Dresden Files, Discworld, Brandon Sanderson-verse, ...)
  • Science Fiction (Dune, Asimov, ...)
  • Marvel (Captain Marvel, Spider-gwen)
  • Much much more ....

I'm an open book, written in a language I don't understand by somebody with really bad handwriting.

Hi, I'm Samantha! I'm one of the founders of Rainbow Geeks and all-round creative soul. I am the main photographer at our photo booth and I've made most of the props and designed most of the buttons. As a middle-aged queer person, I try to guide anyone who has questions about anything lgbtqia+. I'm an avid cosplayer so you will probably find me dressed up at events. I'm also really tall.


Squires are our volunteers who help for one or more events. Do you want to help us out at future events? Become a squire!

Become a squire